I’ve been a listener since the CGS days. I do know about your dislike for Anne Hathaway (or at least her Le Miz performance) by listening to this podcast. I would have thought you would let her Oscar win go. But this… seems childish. I am by no means an expert in theater. Maybe that’s why I still enjoyed the movie (including her performance) despite the harsh-but-fair criticism the movie got. I find myself disagreeing with most of your opinions lately, and this is the latest one. So I’ll take this opportunity to stop listening. I wish you great success in your podcast, career, and life in general. ::smiley face::
Holy Jesus Fuck, I’m dying here. *best episode ever*
Haha. Thanks! Just poking a lil fun and trying to mash in some current silly things.
I’ve been a listener since the CGS days. I do know about your dislike for Anne Hathaway (or at least her Le Miz performance) by listening to this podcast. I would have thought you would let her Oscar win go. But this… seems childish. I am by no means an expert in theater. Maybe that’s why I still enjoyed the movie (including her performance) despite the harsh-but-fair criticism the movie got. I find myself disagreeing with most of your opinions lately, and this is the latest one. So I’ll take this opportunity to stop listening. I wish you great success in your podcast, career, and life in general. ::smiley face::
Thanks! Bye!