You’re Listening To…

I’m always on the lookout for new comic podcasts – at the very least just to hear what topics seem to pervade the collective consciousness – and since it’s the start of a new year I did a search for new(-ish) podcasts that have started recently. Not an easy task. But I managed to compile ten podcasts that were more or less completely new to me, which you can find listed below. I have yet to listen to them myself (except for Girls with Issues and Comic Addiction) so I can’t speak to their quality, content or overall production – but I’m always willing to give new voices a chance. And I’ll add to the list in the future as I find more. If you know of any other podcasts that have started this year, let me know!

Action Lab Podcast

Comic Addiction

Comic Book Nerd Nation

Comic Relief Podcast

the Comic Shoot

Comic Soup

Comics Unchained

Dark Horse Addiction

Girls With Issues

I Read Comic Books

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