04:02: GONE
- Clark and Lois on a case for the first time; I think this takes place right after the end of last ep?
- Clark vs the soldiers – wouldn’t this arouse suspicions in how strong he is? / throwing people again, Clark’s favorite pastime
- The helicopter is basically strafing Lois. That’s not safe
- Lois is a fighter
- Michael Ironside. Cigar chewing Sam Lane! Darkseid!
Act One
- writers Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders / director James Marshall
- Funny shower scene. But Clark is only 17. How old is Lois supposed to be? She seems older. Yikes. / Clark does reference the last time he got caught in his room with Alicia Baker who could teleport
- I do like how the two are at odds. Different relationship tone than with Lana or Chloe
- The tattoo is cave related. Of course. Bleh. / Not sure what would tip Lana off to even look at photos of the caves unless it’s just because they have symbols. Bit of stretch here.
- Kents not happy about Clark and Lois, especially after learning he went to see Chloe’s destroyed safehouse / Pa right back to his stern father role
- “You’ll never have another moment’s peace.” Lionel Vs Lex this season? I’m sure Lionel has threatened Lex before but this time seems super direct
- Lana back in Smallville. And she goes to see Lex first? / she felt like something was calling her home
- Oh yea. Clark was missing for three months too. How did they explain that? / Lana said Funny, I didn’t ask about Clark / there’s some undercurrents here in this conversation
Act Two
- that James Marshall tombstone: “Died of Inflexibility” Ha!
- Lois getting dirty again / No Chloe in the coffin
- Terminator 2.0? Lane employing metas? / Lana to the rescue
- So Lois does know that the troops in the helicopter were from her dad. “The Boss” / so why did she hide that from Clark?
- Lana meets Lois! Love the music chimes when they shake hands. Like destiny in the wind.
- Lana wants to help with finding Chloe; Lois can see right away the tension between Lana and Clark even though she’s surprised that they even had a thing. Ha.
- Luthor Corps paid for Chloe’s funeral / again, Lois doing research and asking the right questions. A born reporter
- You can tell by the music score this is meant to be a lighter episode. Playful. Doesn’t speak to the strengths of director Marshall. He’s better with action.
- “Hi, Daddy”
Act Three
- Sam’s a 3 star general; he calls her Lo
- Pa Kent is very respectful towards a general he doesn’t know
- There’s some terrible adr dubbing in this ep
- Lex obsessing about the airplane heist by Clark just as he did with his Porsche; another unexplained event
- Clark comes to Lex. Strained relationship. There’s a cigar in the ashtray. Sam was there / you can see Clark knows Lex is hiding something
- Uh oh. Classical music at the prison. That’s never good. And then Lionel is stabbed in the showers. Wtf?
- Picture of Lois’ mom? She’s blonde. That’ll change / She died when she was 6 from cigarettes.
- Clark does the super speed from Lois for the first time
- Evidence that Chloe is still alive. And someone almost got to her? And of course Lex shows up / why didn’t Clark immediately go after whoever went out the back door?
Act Four
- Ah. Trent the Terminator working with Lionel to go after Chloe so she can’t testify against Lionel. Lionel found him at Belle Reeve. (Reeve not Reve)
- Lex lied. He knew she was alive all this time. Saved her from the explosion and was working with Sam since he can’t trust the FBI. In a way, Lex is responsible for Clark and Lois meeting.
- And then Clark speeds off from Lex – who by this point should be used to it and should know why
- And Chloe is back. Trussed up and slightly bruised already and we just got this season started
- So did Trent tie her up? Why not just kill her right away?
- How does Chloe not see Clark toss terminator even if she’s falling to the floor?
- Lois and Clark take down the meta
- Lois: “Chloe always said this town was weird” / I guess that’s a good enough reason as to why Lois doesn’t seem fazed by a KMOTW
- Terrible dubbing!!!
Act Five
- Lionel guilty! Daily Planet article by Perry White
- Lex has control of Luthor Corps now / Look how the Kents are defending Lex to Clark
- “I think it’s Lex”. This is an odd switch considering in Talisman how the Kents were the ones that said it could be Lex and Clark wasn’t ready to accept that. I guess a lot has happened since then
- Lana and Clark in the caves / of course she doesn’t tell him about her tattoo and the cave markings matching
- And now Lana can see something in Clark and Lois. / Clark: “She’s bossy. Stuck up. Rude. I can’t stand her.” Lana: “The best ones always start that way.” Wow. That actually got me. Probably the one honest bit of dialogue this writing pair has written.
- So who stabbed Lionel? Was it because of Lex?
- Lana renting out the Talon apartment / Jason comes to Smallville. Uh oh. “I didn’t come here to get you. I came here to be with you” / Again – considering what we will eventually learn about Jason, this moment won’t be so romantic in hindsight
- “She will be loved” Maroon 5 ending
Next episode: Facade!
I got question about Act 2: and tombstone reference, I unfortunately don’t get it, do you know what writers meant by that?
The James Marshall tombstone: “Died of Inflexibility” – James Marshall was one of the better directors on the series. I imagine whoever created the tombstones (props) probably put that in as a joke. Maybe they meant that James was demanding as a director?