The Daily Rios 08.22.12: New Comics Wednesday

Dark Horse! IDW! Marvel! Indies! And Invisibles! Nice and smooth! (16:50)

For more info:

Jamal Igle’s Molly Danger kickstarter

Sean Ford’s Only Skin

Ethan Young’s Tails

Grant Morrison Talking with Gods


2 thoughts on “The Daily Rios 08.22.12: New Comics Wednesday

  1. Agree wholeheartedly with your thoughts on Invisibles. It’s an important, challenging, personal work that offers so much to readers. I find it disappointing that this, along with Sandman and other similar series, seem to get knocked down a peg or two by pundits when the “re-assess” these works. But what do I know? Anyway (off tangent), I was curious if you’d ever read “Anarchy for the Masses” which goes in-depth into the symbolism and story connections for Invisibles, including interviews with Morrison and many of the artists? If you’re into that thing – as I obviously am – it’s a great read and adds a lot to the series.

    Great show, as always. TDR always jumps to the top of my “pile” when a new one is available. Keep up the good work, good luck with the new school year, and I look forward to seeing you at SPX.

    take care,

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