Hi. My name is Peter Rios. And I’m a podcastaholic. I listen to podcasts. I talk about podcasts. And I create podcasts. And The Daily Rios is where I’m hanging my hat these days.
Podcasting was first brought to my attention when I was asked by my friend Bryan Deemer to co-host a new comicbook podcast he had kicking around his brain. This was March of 2005. The podcast would be called Comic Geek Speak. And the rest was Freking Sweer. Along with co-hosting, I eventually became the point man and Producer for the ensemble show for over six years and over 1200 episodes. My last recording with CGS aired on July 1, 2011.
As they say in the funny books: One Year Later…
Podcasting is too powerful of a medium for me to walk away completely. I had lots of ideas but no outlet or format for them to be released into the wild. With the encouragement, and sometimes the brow-beating, of others, I said screw format and this site was rocketed to Earth carrying a curly haired Puerto Rican who has tap dancing feet faster than a speeding rabbit; who has a comic-trivia brain more powerful than any fake nerd or fanboy; and who is able to leap tall people in a single bound.
This is… The Daily Rios.
As the tagline states in the banner, the Daily Rios podcast and website could be about living in Philadelphia. Could be about theatre, musicals and my career in such. It most definitely will always cover comicbooks and the larger comicbook industry. And it might also touch on my time as a theatre arts instructor. But the beauty of a Personal Journal podcast is that it could be about all of that and more: TV, Movies, Books, Health, Relationships, Family, Secrets, Truths, Candy – no topic is forbidden.
The Daily Rios will also include the Tower (an all around comicbook podcast with a recurring feature on the Wolfman/Perez New Teen Titans title), reviews and so much more. I’ve been writing online about comics since 2001, podcasting since 2005, and still there’s no end to the various topics I hope to cover. Trivia, comic history, pointing to new projects – it’s about getting you, the reader (or listener), to celebrate and think about and enjoy this crazy medium.
For now, all I ask is that you give a listen as I experiment and play around with form and format on the podcast and on the website. If there’s one thing I’ve learned after helping to build what was, at its height, the most successful comicbook podcast it’s that you have to keep pushing boundaries (and buttons) and you can’t get comfortable. Some eps might work, others may not. At least I’ll have tried, at least it’ll be honest and at most it’ll be me.
Peter: I’m teaching a new “Superheroes & Culture” course at Bowling Green State Univ. this semester. One of the books I’m having the students read is “Superman: Secret Origin” & I’ve sent them all links to your CGS episodes. They’ve been a big help! I’d love to send you a copy of my syllabus/reading list to hear your thoughts on what we’re covering this term. Do you have a Daily Rios email?
Chuck Coletta (Jax-Ur on the CGS forum)
I am happy to have found your show, and glad to hear you are back on the podcasting scene. The show is great and I am all for experimenting on your terms.
Keep up the great work on The Tower!